Sunday, November 25, 2012


 Acts 10:4-  "And he stared at him in terror and said, “What is it, Lord?” And he said to him, “Your prayers and your alms have ascended as a memorial before God."

I read this verse a couple weeks ago and it lingered in my mind. At times I strugle with the thought that I can't do anything that pleases God because even my good deeds are so tainted by dark motives. I'm so full of sin and don't know if I do anything with purely good motives. I know there is no good in me apart from Christ, but I  wonder if I do anything that pleases him. This verse is about Cornelious. He lived a godly life, not because he wanted to do good so God would bless him, but because he really loved God.  God spoke to Cornelious and told him how his devotion and faithfulness were like a fragrant offering to Him. As a result, Paul came to his house and preached and salvation came to his family.

It just really touched my heart that God noticed Cornelious and appreciated him and blessed his family. Imagine what that would be like! Imagine God noticing some good work in us,telling us that it meant something to Him and then giving us a special blessing as a result.

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