Thursday, September 1, 2011

I Can Have It All

I sure try to anyway.  I try to work part time, take care of 4 kids, read, keep a clean house, learn how to play guitar, exercise, socialize and the list goes on.  I often feel frustrated.  There just isn't enough time to do everything I want to do!  Maybe if I make lists and schedules and manage my time better I can fit it all in.  I don't work on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  My house is clean on those days, at least I think it's clean until I go over to someone's house who has older kids or no kids at all.  Their houses look and feel so clean and peaceful.  I wish my house could look like that.  I then imagine following my kids around with a magic eraser.  It would never work, I'm way too out numbered.  I must admit sometimes I'm a little envious of my single friend.  The one who wants so badly to get married and have a family.  She always seems to be off an adventure.  Road trips with friends, traveling to far away places on mission trips, enjoying life and making a difference. I'm so tied down with my family, which I love and it was all I ever wanted, but life is so busy and loud and there just isn't enough time.  There's not enough time to do anything complete.  I tell myself, "It will get better when the kids are a little older, I'll have more time to myself to do the things I want.", but I don't want to wish my life away.
    Last week I was listening to the radio and the lady said, "We often think we can have it all and we can, we just can't have it all at once."  That's what I was trying to do, have it all, all at once.  I began to think of our various seasons of life.  Each comes with it's own challenges and joys. In my current season of life, my house isn't very clean, but I still get to experience watching a little child fall asleep in my lap.  I'm sad those days will soon be over for me.  I don't get to go on vacations, but I get to have silly stay at home camping trips once a year with my kids.  Those memories and pictures are priceless.  My kids look forward to it all year.  I know that's something we will all talk about when they're grown.  I don't get to eat out much, but I can come up some creative dinners that my kids love and praise me for.  That gives me such joy.  I might not feel like I have enough time for myself right now, but it's ok.  Some day I will have all the time I want.  My house will be clean.  There will be no crayon marks on the wall or tooth paste painted on the kitchen cabinets.  I'll be able to go for a run and not worry about going over my 2 hour time limit in the nursery.  Someday I will be able to read for as long as I want with no interruptions.  It will be wonderful!  Right now, in my current season of life I could probably find a cheerio in every room and closet in my house, because right now I'm right in the middle of the "Little kid season".  That means I need to give up some things I really enjoy, not participate in too many activities, and watch my hours at work. I can't be as involved in church as I would like.  Sometimes I have to give up my early morning time to myself which I love to spend reading my Bible.  Occasionally that precious time is spent rocking a baby.  I don't think that's putting my child before God.  I can worship God while rocking a baby.  I think anyone who has ever held a newborn can attest to that.  There is a lot I have to temporarily set aside, but there are a lot of wonderful things I get to do. I need to enjoy life just the way it is right now, because I will never be able to come back to it.  So, you see, we can have it all, just not all at once.  Embrace each season of life as it comes.  There is a time for everything.

Ecc. 3:1- "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."

1 comment:

  1. Yes, too often we wish our life away as we desire the next stage/phase, but it will all too quickly pass away. We do need to embrace each day and each moment.
