Monday, September 12, 2011

Peter, Do You Love Me?

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek". Rom 1:16

    I've been thinking lately about how many Christians have very little emotion for spiritual things? We quietly sit through church as if it's more of a religious ritual, than an act of worship and an opportunity to learn. Then we go home and go about our normal activities as if we were completely unaffected by the Gospel. If we truly loved God wouldn't that come out in our conversation? Wouldn't He consume our thoughts to the point where everything around us reminded us of Him? It seems that many of us only talk about God when we're in church. Shouldn't the love of God excite us so much that we create opportunities to talk about Him? We're excited to talk about other things we love. Things that we should love far less in comparison. I find it so natural to talk to some people about spiritual things and so awkward to talk to others, especially Christians. I don't know why that is and it really bothers me.  We would probably all say that we are not ashamed of the Gospel, but maybe we are.

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