Thursday, September 29, 2011

Out of My Tower...Finally

   I grew up in a small town of farmers and factory workers and lived a very sheltered life, as you can imagine if you've been reading my blog. Within the last few years I learned that there were a lot of things that I thought were sin that are not clearly sin in the Bible. At first I felt like Rapunzel in Tangled," I can't believe I did this! This is so fun! I, am a horrible daughter. I'm going back. I am never going back! I am a despicable human being. Woo-hoo! Best. Day. Ever!" That part of the movie always makes me smile.  I learned that the real world wasn't as scary as I thought it would be and there were actually some pretty nice people out there. There are some wonderful things that I can enjoy now with a clear conscience. I'm glad my generation is not satisfied doing things just because it's what we were taught growing up or because it's what we've always done. I'm glad we're beginning to think for ourselves and go to the Bible for our answers. It's wrong to base our convictions on our own preferences, and equally wrong to base them on another person's convictions. I know it scares some people that we're questioning things but I think its great and I'm excited about it! Thinking, asking questions and searching Scripture are all very good things. I think doubt can even be good if it leads to searching something out and wrestling with the topic. Maybe sometimes we shouldn't be content.

   I try to apply this to my parenting. I tell Faith she needs to be kind to her brothers and sister because the Bible says we need to be kind to each other. (Eph. 4:32) I don't want her motivation to be because I want her to be kind or even because it's the right thing to do. I want her to understand why it's the right thing to do. I want to teach her to go to the Bible for her answers whenever possible. The Bible is our ultimate authority. The only reason I have authority over her is because of Ephesians 6:1, not because grown ups know everything and are always right. We talk a lot about Romans 3:23 too. She knows that all means all. I don't want my kids growing up, believing something is right or wrong because that's what they were taught and never question it. I don't want to tell them something is wrong if I don't have a good reason. They challenge me to figure out what I believe and why, but shouldn't we do that anyway? I need to be ready to give an answer to any one who asks even if it's a seven year old.

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