Thursday, September 8, 2011

From Workout to Worship

     My dad decided to be a runner when he turned 50 and since then has run in the Boston marathon. After Faith was born I needed some motivation to get back into shape. Seeing how much he loved it inspired me to give it a try. I saw people running on the treadmills at the Y. They would go for 10 minutes or more!  I just couldn't understand how a person could run for that long. It was a struggle for me to just run for 2 minutes. Just because a person is skinny does not mean they are in shape!  I eventually got up to a 10 minute run and then a mile. I can't say I enjoyed it at this point, but I was working towards running a 5K. I ran the River Bank Run and it was amazing!  It was a pretty big race and there were people cheering for the runners the entire way.  If you suffer from low self esteem having people continually encourage you for a good 35-40 minutes can be pretty uplifting.  I continued running after I reached my goal. I ran 1 mile 3 days a week on the treadmill. I still didn't really enjoy it, but I knew it was good exercise. I've done 4 5Ks. One after the birth of each of my children.

     I started enjoying it more over the last couple years. Probably because I do it outside now instead of on a treadmill. I like to run by myself. It's really the only time I'm ever alone. Just me, my music, and creation all around me. I thank God for good health and the ability to run. I like to feel the wind blowing against me and the warmth of the sun on a cool day. I feel strong and weak at the same time.  Sometimes I stop running and walk for a few seconds with my eyes closed, just to savor the moment and enjoy it to its fullest.  I love watching the clouds especially early in the morning. I enjoy watching the sky constantly change. Someday I'm going to get in a car accident because I'm so distracted by it. Last Tuesday while running I noticed how the sunlight was shinning through the leaves of a tree as I ran past, I took note of it and  started walking. It was beautiful and I wanted time to enjoy and appreciate it. I praise God for all the evidence of Him surrounding me. Running can be a very worshipful experience. Those are the times I feel closest to God. Once in a while when I'm meditating on the words of the music and worshiping God through creation I feel like He's walking right beside me, like I could almost see him. I love those moments, but they don't happen often. Sometimes when I'm done running or need to take a break I swing on the playground. I'm sure it looks silly, but I love to swing! I always have. I like to listen to my music, look up into the sky and just think about things. It's relaxing and fills me with such joy. This is typically how I begin a Tuesday. Running started out as a forced workout that I endured and has evolved into this wonderful, energizing, enjoyable thing that I look forward to. I can run for an hour now. I would have never thought that was possible. I thank God for every opportunity to run because I know the ability won't last forever. I cherish it.

Psalm 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; the sky displays his handiwork."


  1. LISA!!! This is exactly how I feel when I run. I've even stopped listening to music when I run so that my thoughts can continually be worshipful praise to God for allowing me to have this amazing ability to run/jog when I never thought it would be possible. Being grateful is also very empowering, and it helps me to keep going! I thank God for YOU and the incredible support you were to me in the beginning of my journey and the continued support you have been to me throughout. Thanks for being my friend and for the openness you have shown to me to help me.

  2. Thank you for the kind words. It has been such a blessing to me to be an encouragement to you. It gives me joy to see you accomplish things you never thought you would.
