Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Best Part of My Day

  I absolutely love getting up early, as early as possible! I haven't always been that way. I use to stay up until 1 or 2 and sleep in as late as I could. I'm thankful my children have gotten me out of the habit. I discovered that most of my life I had been sleeping through my favorite time of the day. There's just something about the stillness of the early morning and watching the night sky turn into day. I love it.

   I grew up reading my one chapter in the Bible every night. I can't say I enjoyed it. I admit it was actually quite boring to me, but I knew it was the right thing to do, so I did it. I know that wasn't the best motive, but probably not the worst either. Now, I can't wait to get up in the morning and read my Bible and other Christian books, and commentaries. I'm like a kid that never wants to sleep, but since I'm a grownup I know sleep is important if I want to be of any use during the day. Sometimes when I tuck Brady in at night he says to me, "Please mom, don't let me sleep long."  I'm the same way when I go to bed, "Please Lord, don't let me sleep long." I often pray that God will give me a hunger for the Bible and a desire to learn and understand spiritual things.  He has answered that prayer in an amazing way. It seems that no matter how early I get up I always wish I had more time. No doubt, some wonder how I'm able to find time to read so many books, with four kids and a part time job. I get up early, very early, and I don't watch much TV.  I have no desire to. That's another thing He changed in me.  We all make time for the things we love, and this is something I desperately love! I don't have a very dramatic salvation story. I was four so there was no big life change. I'm very comforted that I can look back on my life and see how God did dramatically change it over time. I know I need to be more of a Martha and less of a Mary. I struggle with neglecting service because I'm consumed with worship and learning. I know people think I'm strange for not only choosing to get up early, but also using that time to do something that most people don't enjoy. I don't do it to feel more spiritual or so God will bless me, it's purely out of love. It's what I want to do, more than anything else.

Psalm 63:1 "God, you are my God; early will I seek you; my soul thirsts for you in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water."

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