Thursday, December 8, 2011

Reflecting on 2011

2011 was suppose to be the year of big changes for the Snyder family. Jason was pursuing a higher position at work and we put our house on the market, planning to buy  a bigger house closer to the Y. God had other plans, instead it became the year of car trouble and sickness. I'm so glad God is in control! I broke down several times in my old van, always in very convenient places and for that I am thankful. Jason had pneumonia, it was so cold and icy, and I had to do things far out of my comfort zone just to get by. Each day was a struggle. Some days when I successfully made it to work or home, the kids would clap and cheer and say, "Yea, We made it!" One day on my way home from work I broke down at CVS and the van had to be towed. Since Jason was sick and unable to work, I drove Jason's car to work the next day and broke down in that! So, Jason was sick and both of our cars we in the shop. We were so dependent on others for our basic needs. We had to figure out how to get Faith to and from school, and Jason had to find rides to and from work. One night we had to rely on our friends to bring us toilet paper and baby wipes! It was humbling to be so helpless, but we were grateful for each person who helped us. We knew we needed to replace both the car and the van, but we could only afford to replace one. Of course, as soon as one was replaced, the other broke down again. Within two weeks we sold and purchased two vehicles. I don't know how God was able to work that out but somehow we had enough money and didn't have to go into debt. We took our house off the market because our savings account was gone and there really was no interest in the house. We are very thankful now that we didn't move this year.

Cailen was the next to get sick. He was struggling a lot to breathe. He had something that sounded like broncitus and had to have breathing treatments every two hours day and night. It was painful to watch our little baby boy struggle so much to breathe, but he was so content and peaceful. It was as if he submitted to being sick instead of fighting it.We are thankful that he didn't need oxygen or hospitalization. The doctor told us he would probably get sick a lot in the winter months and develop asthma.  We're thankful that he has been healthy since then.

I got what appeared to be a cold in February, and has yet to go away. A stuffy nose doesn't seem like a big deal, but I find it very difficult to sleep most nights. The nights when I can breathe well feel so strange. It's incredibly relaxing to just lie there and enjoy breathing. Those nights I thank God just for the ability to breath easily.

Those were the beginning months of 2011. We really wanted a do over at this point.

Faith continues to do well in school, making straight A's. I'm glad she's doing well, but I can't say I'm proud of her accomplishment. Her grades are not a result of any effort on her part. She rushes through her homework and never studies at home for her tests. She learns her Sunday School verses on her way to church. I didn't even know she had verses to memorize until a couple months ago. I just knew she always brought home candy, which she usually shares with her brother and sister. I'm constantly reminding her that God is the one who made her smart. I want it to get into her head, that her abilities are a gift from God and he gave them to her for a reason. I'm thankful she doesn't struggle through school like I did. I often did homework until I went to bed and was grateful, at times just for a passing grade. Life seems so easy for some and so difficult for others. We need to be careful not to compare. We all have unique gifts and circumstances designed just for us, for our good and the good of those around us.

Brady got to go to Sunshine camp all summer at the Y while I worked. What a blessing! It was hard to get him to stay the first couple of weeks, but by the end of the summer he loved going. He had so much fun and it was a very good experience for him. He still talks about it. I feel a lot better about sending him to school now and I think he's more excited to go too.

We were able to go to the beach for a couple days with Faith and Brady. It was so nice spending quality time with our older kids. We all had such a fun time.

Kasey thinks she's Candice from Phineas and Pherb. Ironically, she's the one always getting busted by her brother.

I think the word commotion would describe our life at home right now. Some days are just about keeping everyone alive and not loosing my temper.  It's so loud and active and sometimes I just want everything to be still and quiet. That's why I enjoy 5:30-6:45 every morning and the long runs with my i pod during the week. The biggest thing we changed this year is the music we listen to. I'm so in love with this music that completely satisfies me and leaves me feeling neither bored nor guilty. My perspectives on some things have changed for the better, a few acquaintances have become unexpected friends, and  encouragement has come from unlikely sources. There have been a couple of key influential people in my life this year and I'm thankful when thoughts of them come to mind. I'm a different person now than I was at the beginning of the year, but more myself. I'm thankful for what God has been doing in Jason's life. He seems much happier and more content. This is an answer to specific prayers of mine. We feel that we are in a waiting, growing time in our lives right now. It's not very exciting, but it's comfortable. We feel entirely thankful and content. So, in a way 2011 was a year of big changes even though not much has changed.

P.S. I did keep my New Year's Resolution. No new Snyder's in 2011!

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