Saturday, December 31, 2011

Let's Raise a Glass to a Healthy New Year!

"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

 I learned that, rather than a set of rules or things to avoid, worldliness is worshiping ourselves rather than God. If our only motivation for exercise is looking more attractive wouldn't that be worshiping ourselves? It's January and people think about exercise this month more than any other. Our motivation is usually loosing weight and looking better. However, when we look at exercise through the lens of the Bible our motivation turns more toward being a good steward and having a healthy lifestyle. Gluttony is mentioned in the Bible right along with drunkenness. The Bible equally condemns excessive drinking and overeating, but we seem to think drinking is so much worse. Why? Perhaps, in order to have a more accurate view of  the Bible we should be more permissive with drinking and restraining with eating.

Exercise is for everyone, not just the overweight, because we are all commanded to take care of our bodies. Just because a person is thin doesn't mean they're healthy. I teach my kids that exercise and eating right is about being healthy, not weight. I like to think of weight loss as a really great side effect of exercise and having a healthy lifestyle, not the main motivation, although the numbers do a lot for the purpose of encouragement. Why is a healthy lifestyle so low on our list of priorities? You don't have to do a lot, just start out with something small and be consistent. Once it becomes part of your day, add to it. Make goals that are challenging and realistic and tell people about your goals. Be accountable. If you don't have accountability, you really aren't that serious about it. That's one of the many reasons I like being a part of the Y. There is a lot of accountability and people that really want you to succeed. They're pulling for you, because they know how hard it is and they don't want you to fail.

There are so many benefits- physical, mental and spiritual. Running is my stress reliever. I find it so relaxing and peaceful. I usually listen to Christian music while I enjoy being alone. It's nice to just be able to think about things without interruption. I feel recharged after a run. Running makes me a better mom. I like to do pilates because it has really helped my posture. I try to go to zumba once a week. Zumba was a big accomplishment for me because it took nearly two years of looking in the window, wishing I had enough courage to walk in the door before I actually did. It looked like so much fun and I always wanted to learn how to dance, but it was so far out of my comfort zone and I didn't know if I could make myself do it. Zumba has helped me come out of my shell and has been very good for me. I wish I wouldn't have waited so long!

Make a decision to live a healthier life, not for your glory by looking better, but for God's glory by being a good steward of the body He gave you. Grab an accountability partner and get out there and do something!

"Whether therefore you eat or drink or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1Corinthians 10:31

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