Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Little Things...

  There's a man in our church that gives fruit snacks to the kids after the Sunday night service. I was watching Faith write a thank you note to him a couple days ago and it made me think about how little things really can make a big difference in someone's life.  It also reminded me of a commitment I made to myself many months ago to say thank you more and let people know that I appreciated them.  I found too often I would be blessed by something indirectly and would keep it to myself. I thought about the times when people did little things for me and how how much of a blessing it was. I remember some of the meals people made for me when I brought a baby home from the hospital. I can  remember specific people and what they made for us nearly 8 years ago when Faith was born. I've received notes of encouragement at times I didn't expect, but really needed. Recently someone called and let me know she appreciated something I wrote.  It meant so much to me that she would take the time to do that.  Eph 2:10 says "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."  I love that God gives us gifts and prepares special opportunities for each of us to use them, being a blessing to the giver and the receiver.

     I have a friend who has the gift of hospitality.  She always makes sure everyone has a place to go for the holidays. If you stop by unexpected, she will make you feel at home no matter how many things she has going on. She's good at it, because it comes naturally to her. It's her gift, what she was made to do. I know her life has been a blessing to many. I have another friend who can talk to people she hardly knows like she's been friends with them for years. She makes everyone around her feel loved, accepted, and valued.  I want to encourage everyone to figure out what their gifts are and look for opportunities to use them.

   You never know the past pains someone has gone through.  Even if someone looks happy on the outside, they might really be hurting on the inside. When you do know someone is going through hard times it is often much worse than they let on. I felt burdened to pray for a friend a couple years ago and casually let her know. I found out a couple months later that at the time I was praying she was going through a time of uncertainty. There was another time that I made a card for a friend just just to let her know I was praying for her. She read the card and then came over to me and sat down.  She was so touched by it, because she was going through something really difficult that I didn't know about. She proceeded to tell me what was going on in her life. Sometimes just being a good listener is all a person needs.

     Something that I like to do, but don't do often enough is compliment someone I don't know very well or not at all. It's so unexpected. I love to see a smile appear on their seemingly unfriendly face. I think taking five seconds to brighten someone's day is a very good use of time.  You just never know what a person might be going through and how far a simple act of kindness can go.

What are some of the little things that someone has done that have meant a lot to you?.

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