Sunday, December 16, 2012

I'm not allowed in schools -God

"Dear God,
Why do you allow so much violence in our schools?

 a concerned student

Dear Concerned Student,
 I'm not allowed in schools.


A few people posted this on FB the day after the school shooting. In my experience this has not been the case. I remember my teacher and principal leading my class and school in prayer in my elementary days. My daughter, on several occasions stood in front of her class and read Bible stories or sang songs she learned at church. When we lived up north our pastor went to a public high school and had chapel services there with some of the students. So please don't blame violence in public schools on God not being there, because He is. His presence is more known in some than others, but He is there. The truth is there is violence in schools because there is sin in this fallen world. We know that it is not because God is absent, and we know it's not because God doesn't love us or that He is not in control. We know that this is not the way He designed the world to be and that's why it hurts so much when these things happen. We can be comforted to know He is coming back someday to make everything right again. Some of those teachers lost their lives to protect the students they loved. Where do you think that kind of love comes from? God help those parents that didn't get to pick their kids up from school, the pain must be unbearable.

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