Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween

I hear people say that Halloween cannot glorify God and that is why they do not take part. I respect others convictions and understand why they would feel that way and I admire them for standing by their convictions when they are in a minority. However, when I began to think about it, some people do not glorify God when they go to church and some do glorify God when they celebrate Halloween. If one's motive for church attendance is  to gain favor with God, feel more religious, or merely do what Christians do they are not glorifying God. And, if a family participates in Halloween activities by  being creative, bonding with family and building relationships in the community then they do glorify God. For centuries Christians have been taking pagan culture and redeeming it much like God has done to us. Many of our old hymns are sung to old bar songs and many of our Christmas and Easter symbols and traditions come from pagan roots. Some Christians celebrate Halloween the same way Atheists  celebrate Christmas.  I think we need to be careful when we say some things are not redeemable. We need to examine our motives and remind ourselves that our motives are not all the same and show each other grace. 

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