Thursday, October 27, 2011

Changing Views on Idolatry

    When I was a kid idolatry was praying to statues. I didn't understand how that was applicable to me, because that was only something people in other countries did. I figured I was good on this one. It was just not something I struggled with.

     When I was a teen, I understood it to mean loving anything more than God. So, if I spent my time watching tv instead of reading my Bible, was that idolatry? I was confused. I felt like if I chose to do anything other than read my Bible, pray, or go to church, I was choosing something other than God and It was idolatry. It didn't seem right. I was worried about loving people too much or enjoying things or abilities too much because I was afraid God would take those things or people away. I always heard about how God is a jealous God.

    When I was reading Lutzer's book I came across this quote, "A person who will not get beyond his bitterness is actually an idolater...What would it take for you to turn away from God?...Could it be that insisting on immediate justice for an offense means more to you than fellowship with God?" Choosing not to forgive is idolatry because it's putting something before your relationship with God. The book was about forgiveness, but this quote about idolatry was eye opening for me. It was not necessarily the intensity of my love or enjoyment of things; it was about putting something above my relationship with God. So, it's good to love people and enjoy things as long as it doesn't hurt my relationship with God. If I'm tempted to overindulge in something and I give in, I'm putting that thing above being right with God. If I have a good friendship with someone and it becomes unhealthy and I continue with it, it's idolatry because it hurts my relationship with God. I started out thinking that I didn't struggle with idolatry at all and I'm finding out that I deal with it daily. God wants us to love and be attached to people and He wants us to enjoy and appreciate our things and abilities.

"Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us all things to enjoy." 1 Timothy 6:17

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