Sunday, October 30, 2011

Inspiring Courage

 "There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the light that reflects it."

The American Heritage Dictionary defines the word encourage - "to inspire with hope, courage or confidence." To be an encouragement is to inspire courage! We can inspire courage in the lives of the people around us. Courage to do something they never thought they could, courage to be themselves, courage to speak up, or perform acts of kindness.

Sometimes everything is going well and one person says the wrong thing and somehow it erases all the good. It can go the other way too. Sometimes everything is going wrong and one person says the right thing and it somehow erases all the bad. Proverbs 15:23 says, "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.", and Proverbs 25:11 says, " to make an apt answer is joy to a man, and a word in season, how good it is!" We just don't know what is going on in the lives of those we have contact with every day. We don't know how much someone might need that little word of encouragement. To be able to say just the right thing at just the right time to just the right person is of great value.

I ran a 5K last weekend with a friend. It was her first race and it was an amazing experience for her. But it was an amazing experience for me too! I've done races before but this was the best one I've ever done, because this time, it wasn't about me. She started running in the summer. The most difficult time to run even for experienced runners. I wanted her to succeed. I wanted her to get to that point where it becomes more than just weight loss because running is so much more than exercise and I wanted her to experience that. The discipline a person learns while running carries over into other parts of their lives. I was privileged to run with her a few times in the beginning. She struggled, but got through it. I was proud of her, but also worried that she would quit. Too many people get really excited about exercising and getting healthier and then they loose their enthusiasm when they realize how difficult it is. I prayed for her often. I knew if she could just stick with the running schedule she would be able to run a 5K in a couple months. Back in July I began to envision how amazing it would be for her to successfully run a race and cross that finish line. I wanted to be with her when she did it. I believed she could do it far before she did. Imagining that day motivated me to encourage and pray for her more because I wanted her to have that experience. Early in her training, she went away for a couple of weeks. I was really concerned she would loose her momentum when she got back. I knew it was hard for her, but she got right back to it. Philippians 4:13 says," I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." God gives us strength to accomplish His will. We know that God wants us to live healthy lives, therefore He will give us what we need to be able to do that. I'm thankful God chose to use me as a tool because it brought me joy to be apart of what God was doing in her life. He could have picked anyone, but He picked me! I believe God created me to be an encouragement. We have the greatest satisfaction when we do what we are created to do. I didn't give up anything to run with her. I don't think I sacrificed a single thing. I'm thankful she let me run with her because I had been dreaming of that moment longer than she had! It isn't about her accomplishment or my encouragement. It's about the beauty of God using Christians to help other Christians live a more Godly life. To God be the glory! The 5K I ran in 43 minutes will always be more memorable than the one I ran in 26 minutes, because I was a part of something greater than myself.

Encouragers need encouragement too. There are things I wouldn't be able to do if there wasn't someone encouraging me. Sometimes Satan tells us lies to prevent us from being productive Christians and we need someone reminding us of the truth. When I get discouraged, I don't need kind words from a lot of people, just one- if it's the right one. The encouragers in my life have given me courage and confidence to be the person God created me to be. I consider these friends as gifts from God and I cherish them. We all doubt ourselves and God, at times and need encouragement. Be a person who inspires courage. Be that one person someone needs!

"The truly successful people are those who help others succeed."-Chapman

1 comment:

  1. This was the most awesome experience I've had since birthing my children. I thank God for you, Lisa, and that you are allowing God to work through you. I can't remember a time when anyone believed in me more, and proved it by actions and not just by words. It touches my heart so deeply that I'll never be able to convey just how thankful I am.
