Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Scizophrenia Over the Modern Church

Our regular church didn't have an evening service last week so we took the opportunity to do something we've been wanting to do for a couple years- visit a more "modern" church. You know the type, jeans, long hair, drums, etc.  We were curious. When we walked into the building the dialogue in my head kept alternating between, "Wow, these are regular people being themselves and coming together to worship, how refreshing." and "I can't believe Christians would dress like that for church! Don't they know it's not appropriate." As far as the music, "That's too worldly" and "I love this! finally music in church that leads me to worship." I was disgusted with myself for my prejudice and judgmental attitude. Honestly, I really enjoyed the preaching, the music was great and I would like to go back.

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