Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I Don't Think This is For Me-Accountability

 "When it comes to privacy and accountability, people always demand the former for themselves and the latter for everyone else."-David Brin

Accountability is necessary if a person is really serious about success. I always encouraged other people to do it, but just couldn't bring myself to give it a try. It was pride preventing me from doing something that was good for me once again. There was something I wanted to give up for a set amount of time. Without any accountability, I was able to go a week, maybe two. I knew I wasn't serious about succeeding if I kept myself from being accountable to someone. I knew it was the right thing to do, but I just couldn't force myself do it. I wanted to keep it to myself and do it on my own which repeatedly proved itself unsuccessful. I thought accountability would feel binding and oppressive, like someone was always looking over my shoulder and judging me. Unfortunately Christians can be very judgmental. If I hear Christians talking about others, (saved or unsaved) in a condescending way instead of showing them grace and love in their speech, I'm not going to open up to them about my personal struggles. I finally decided to humble myself and ask a friend to keep me accountable. Then I asked another friend in case the first friend forgot. Honestly, it was painful to admit to them that I struggled in this particular area, but it was liberating at the same time. I was finally being honest with myself, God and and two Christian friends. There is always a freedom that comes with truthfulness. So far it's been six weeks and I have six more to go to reach my goal. I'm actually finding it much easier this time because of the accountability. I  never know when one of them is going to check in with me. This is actually an encouragement to me, not the burden I expected it to be. I have been surprised to find security and safety in accountability. Like many things I've done, I wonder why it took me so long to try it. If you are struggling and looking for someone to be accountable to, remember that everyone struggles with something. No one is as perfect as they seem. We should all live lives of integrity so others feel like they can come to us without being looked down upon.

"Accountability is a blanket of security. Without it we can more easily go astray."-Erwin Lutzer

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