Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Tree and the Little Boy

I recently read the book, "The Giving Tree". It's a children's book, and a simple story, but one that lingered in my mind. The story tells of a tree that loves a boy. She is happiest when she gives to the boy. She gives and gives until there is hardly anything left of her- just a stump, but even then she is happy to give the boy a place to rest. It's a beautiful story of giving, but a sad story as well. Though the boy enjoys the gifts the tree has to offer and always comes back to her, he never says thank you to the tree even though he says loves her. The boy appreciated the tree and what she had to give him, but he never thought of giving himself. The tree was never sad that the boy didn't love her as much as she loved him, she was just happy merely to have something to give the boy. She thought only of him and what would make him happy.

This year on good Friday I watched "The Passion of the Christ" for the first time. I was so moved by Jesus love for the people who were so cruel to Him. When Jesus knew His time was come, He did so much to prepare His closest friends. He was so concerned for them and prepared them for what He knew would be so difficult, for THEM. He had more love and compassion toward the disciples than He did fear for what He knew He was about to endure. Like the tree in the story, He gave and gave until He gave His life for those He loved so much. Are we like the boy? Do we enjoy all that Christ has to offer, giving little if any thanks though we claim to love Him? Do we accept and appreciate all the gifts He gives to us without willingness to give ourselves? We truly become alive when we allow our souls to become enchanted by the simple treasures He gives us daily. How can we not thank Him and give Him our lives, our thoughts, our gratefulness.

"This people honors me with their lips, but their hears are far from me." -Matthew 15:8

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