Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Gift of Missing Church

Last Sunday I had to miss church again because of the baby. He made it through the song time, but that was as long as he could sit still. I was surprised he made it that long. I brought shoes to change into this week because last Sunday I spent the day walking around the hall ways of my church in four inch heels. I took him out on the play ground. It was the most beautiful morning. I enjoyed watching him try to play like a big kid, climbing and falling and getting dirt on his hands and clothes. He loved it. It was so quiet and beautiful. He was content until he saw the ushers walking in the parking lot, then he thought that looked like much more fun, and the playground could keep him contained no longer. I took him home, opened all the windows and listened to the radio while I cleaned up the house. My parents were visiting, so I was a little behind on the housework. I put him in his high chair and played with him while I was getting lunch started. That's when I realized I was really enjoying this special morning that God had given me. Instead of being frustrated with the baby for making me miss church again and feeling guilty for not being in the service, I was thankful for the gift He had given me.

"There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God,"  - Ecclesiastes 2:24

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