Thursday, January 26, 2012

Putting Up A Good Front

My husband went to a routine meeting, and noticed one of his co workers across the room. He knew she had been going through some really hard things lately, so he went over and gave her a hug and asked her how she was doing. She smiled and said, "Good, I'm doing really good." About a week later, she decided to take her life. Today, he's at her funeral.

It made me think about how much we need each other and how important it is to talk about the difficult things we're going through. Things like debt, relationship problems, and postpartum depression can turn into major depression if we keep it to ourselves. There are two ways we keep people out of our lives. We can become very cynical, shut everyone out and live very isolated lives. But, we can also keep people out by making it look like we have it all together on the outside when there's actually a lot of pain on the inside. I guess we're too proud and maybe ashamed to admit that we need help. The truth is, we all struggle sometimes. No one's life is perfect and happy all the time, even if it appears that way. Let someone who cares, help you. Talk to someone. Maybe a friend is talking to you about a personal struggle. Take it seriously, It may be worse than they're letting on. Get involved. You may unknowingly save someone's life.

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