Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Tired Mom and the Park

I was planning all day to take the kids to the park after I picked up my oldest from school. The park we go to is very close to the school, so we go there often. It was a beautiful 67 degree January day. I knew this weather wouldn't last much longer and soon it would be too cold to go to the park. However, the middle children were having a rather difficult day and I was so tired! I really didn't feel like going, but it was a way for me to esteem others better than myself. I was doing it for them, and I knew even if we stayed for a short time, they would still love it.

I recently started doing something new with my eight year old daughter. She likes to write and keep journals and make charts...ok, so maybe she's a little like me. Every night I have her write down one thing  she is thankful for. It has to be from that day and she can't use the same thing twice. I thought this project would be fun for her and teach her to be more positive and focus on the good.

I asked her what she wrote about today. She's always eager and proud to tell me. She wrote, "January 6,2012 I am thankful that I got to go to the Pavilion park because of the wether that god gave for us. I think he is great."

That was a blessing to me in two ways. First, we only stayed for 20 minutes and they didn't even complain when it was time to go. She reminded me that it's the small things all put together that make a nice childhood. Second, and most importantly, she is beginning to see God all around her. I am always looking for opportunities to put her focus on Him. "Faith, look how beautiful God made that sunset! Isn't God amazing. You should be proud of the way you are and the way you look, because God dreamed you up in His heart. He imagined you and then created you exactly the way He wanted you to be." I really can't tell if she's paying attention or if she really cares. Now I know that my efforts are not in vain and it is sinking in.

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